Batch and Stream Processing
Data processing involves performing operations on collections of data, often represented as records. These records can reside in various locations, such as database tables or files. Two primary approaches to data processing are:
Batch Processing
Processes data in discrete batches or groups. There are certain primitive operations in batch processing:
- Map: Applies a function to each individual record within a batch, producing an output for each input.
- Reduce: Aggregates the results of the map operation, often by combining values associated with the same key.
- Shuffle: (Optional) Redistributes data between processing stages, typically between the map and reduce phases, to improve data locality and efficiency.
- Map: Count occurrences of each word within each document.
- Shuffle: Group all occurrences of the same word from different documents.
- Reduce: Sum the counts for each word across all documents.
Stream Processing
Processes data continuously as it arrives, one record at a time. Prime characteristics are:
- Low latency: Processes data with minimal delay.
- Real-time analysis: Enables immediate insights and responses to events.
Examples of Big Data Processing Systems
Data Flow Graph
This example illustrates data flow in a stream processing system by extending the word frequency count scenario to real-time processing:
Counter: This is a stateless operator. It receives a document as input and produces a map of words to their frequencies within that document.
Shuffle: Another stateless operator, it distributes individual words from the word-frequency maps to corresponding "Adder" operators based on the word's alphabetical range. This ensures efficient distribution of data.
Adder: A stateful operator responsible for maintaining the current count of each word across all processed documents.
- It receives word-frequency maps from the "Shuffle" operator.
- Updates its internal state by adding the frequencies of incoming words to the existing counts.
- Can be sharded (e.g., one Adder for words A-M, another for N-Z) to improve performance and scalability.
- The current state of the Adders (word counts) can be visualized on an analytics dashboard to provide real-time insights.
This example demonstrates a basic data flow in a stream processing system. However, real-world systems incorporate a much wider range of operators, enabling complex data transformations and analyses.
Pipelined Operators
In stream-native processing systems, operators must be designed to support continuous data flow, enabling efficient pipelining of events. Key examples of pipelined operators include:
- Collects a stream of events within a defined time window (e.g., sliding window).
- Pipelined because the collection of subsequent windows can proceed concurrently, without waiting for the processing of previous windows to complete.
- In systems like Flink, batch processing can be emulated by applying a window operator to collect all events within a specific batch interval.
- Applies a function to each incoming event independently.
- Highly pipelined as each event can be processed concurrently without relying on other events.
Group By (Shuffle):
- Redistributes events based on a key.
- Pipelined because events are continuously forwarded to the appropriate downstream operator (e.g., reducer) responsible for the corresponding key.
- Aggregates incoming events.
- Supports "rolling reduce" for continuous aggregation, requiring an associative function (e.g., sum, count).
- The output represents the ongoing reduction of all events seen thus far.
Interval Join:
- The only type of join that can be effectively pipelined.
- Joins events within a specific time interval.
- Essentially equivalent to applying a window operator followed by a join on the accumulated events within that window.
Non-pipelined Operators
Certain operators are inherently non-pipelined, meaning they cannot process data continuously and require access to the entire dataset before producing results.
Example: A sort-merge join that requires sorting the entire dataset before performing the join operation is a classic example of a non-pipelined operation.Data Exchange in Flink
Operators in Flink communicate by exchanging data.
- Pipelined Streams: Characterize continuous, uninterrupted data flow from non-window operators (e.g., Counter, Shuffle), ideal for stream processing.
- Blocking Streams: Generated by window operators, requiring the entire window to be collected before processing, typically used in batch processing.
Control Events in Flink
Stream processing involves two notions of time:
- Processing Time: The time at which an event is processed by the system.
- Event Time: The time at which the event occurred in the real world.
Windowing operations rely heavily on these time concepts.
Processing Time Windows: These windows are defined by the system's processing time. Events arriving within a specific processing time window are grouped together. This approach can be problematic when event arrival times are unpredictable, as processing time may not accurately reflect the true event times.
Event Time Windows: These windows are defined by the event times themselves. Events with event times falling within a specific window are grouped together. This approach provides a more accurate representation of real-world event occurrences.
Limitations of Watermarks
While watermarks effectively advance event time processing, they can be less effective in handling significantly late events (e.g., events arriving long after the watermark has passed).
In our example, what happens if a user disconnects from the internet? Logs generated during this period might be delayed significantly. The watermark may have already progressed? That where Apache Beam is useful. It has the capability of handling late events.
Recommended Read: The Dataflow Model: A Practical Approach to Balancing Correctness, Latency, and Cost in Massive-Scale, Unbounded, Out-of-Order Data Processing
- Spark Streaming: Only works with processing time windows.
- Flink: Supports both processing time and event time windows, providing greater flexibility.
- Apache Beam: Offers robust support for handling late events, providing more sophisticated mechanisms for dealing with data arriving out of order.
Checkpoint Barriers
Flink guarantees exactly-once processing semantics, ensuring that each event in the stream affects the system state exactly once. To achieve this, Flink leverages Asynchronous Barrier Snapshotting (ABS).
ABS Mechanism: Checkpoint barriers are propagated through the operator pipeline. Upon encountering a barrier, each operator records its current state (e.g., the current count in a counter operator) to a persistent storage. This creates a consistent snapshot of the system's state across all operators.
Restart and Recovery: In case of a failure, operators can recover from the last successful checkpoint. They resume processing from the point where the checkpoint was taken, replaying events and applying updates to their state accordingly.
Limitations of ABS
ABS ensures exactly-once processing within the Flink system itself. However, it cannot prevent duplicate external triggers by the processing logic. For instance, if an operator initiates an external transaction (e.g., booking a flight ticket) as part of its processing, recovering from a checkpoint will result in the transaction being executed again, leading to duplicates.
Extending Exactly-Once Semantics Beyond Flink
Since 2017, Flink has extended its exactly-once guarantees to external systems. This is achieved through a two-phase commit protocol:
Prepare Phase: When the last operator in the pipeline receives a checkpoint barrier, it initiates a two-phase commit with all downstream sinks. Before committing any data, the operator buffers all output records in memory.
Commit Phase: Once all operators have successfully recorded their checkpoints, the last operator commits all buffered output records to the sinks.
Example: Kafka Sink
For a Kafka sink, the last operator starts a Kafka transaction when a checkpoint barrier arrives. Subsequent barriers trigger the completion of the previous transaction, ensuring that each event is written to Kafka exactly once.
Windowing Algorithms in Flink
Flink offers several windowing algorithms for grouping and processing data streams:
Tumbling Windows
- Divide the data stream into fixed-size, non-overlapping intervals.
- Suitable for applications requiring regular, discrete time intervals for analysis, such as hourly or daily aggregations.
Sliding Windows
- Divide the data stream into fixed-size windows that overlap.
- Enable continuous analysis with overlapping intervals, useful for rolling averages or trend detection.
Session Windows
- Dynamically sized windows defined by periods of inactivity in the data stream.
- Ideal for analyzing user sessions or other scenarios where activity patterns are irregular.
Global Windows
- Unbounded windows that encompass the entire data stream.
- Typically used for global aggregations or analyses requiring consideration of all available data.
- Require an external trigger (e.g., a manual command or a scheduled event) to close the window and trigger processing.
Bulk Synchronous Parallel v/s Stale Synchronous Parallel
SSP allows workers to proceed independently, improving speed but potentially compromising consistency.
Difference b/w Apache Flink, Apache Spark, Apache Storm?
Apache Flink: Designed primarily for stream processing with strong support for stateful computations and event-time semantics. Ensures data is processed exactly once, even in case of failures.
Apache Spark: Excels at batch processing tasks, with stream processing capabilities added later. Known for its fast and general-purpose nature, supporting a wide range of data processing workloads.
Apache Storm: Focused solely on real-time stream processing with high throughput and low latency. Guarantees that each message will be processed at least once, but may be processed multiple times in case of failures.
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